Fellowships + Research Residencies + PhD Work
University of British Columbia - Department of Geography
PhD Candidate
I am a PhD student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of Geography. I am currently working on my comprehensive reading and dissertation proposal. -
University of Stavanger - The Greenhouse Center for Environmental Humanities
Green Transitions Fellow
I have been awarded a fellowship at the Greenhouse, an environmental humanities group at the University of Stavanger. The year-long program in 2022/23 is investigating the concept of Green Transitions through the lens of the environmental arts and humanities. The keystone of the program is an international art/science workshop leading to a book and exhibition on Green Transitions, paired with scholar and artist residencies in Stavanger.
University of Victoria - Centre for Studies in Religion & Society
Artist in Residence Fellow
For the 2021/2022 Academic year I have been an Artist-in-Residence at the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society at the University of Victoria. My project for the residency was titled “Landcape Liturgy: Weaving as Land Based Ritual.” Over the year I have been developing new work, while researching weaving as a centuries old ritual practice that often involved communal gathering and shared work.
University of Toronto Missisauga - Blackwood Gallery
Reasearch Fellow
Running with Concepts: The Mediatic Edition bridged recent and ongoing Blackwood programming and publishing on spectatorship, animatic technologies, and media ecologies. Interrogating the contexts, conditions, and forces that modulate, arbitrate, and disrupt knowledge-production and political action, The Mediatic Edition included an online durational event and a research fellowship that took place from October 2020–January 2021.
University of Victoria - Trans Archives
Community Based Fellow
For the 2019/2020 academic year I was granted a fellowship with the Trans Archives at UVic. My project was to research the archives with a trans ecology framework that asked: in what ways can we think criticalles about how hetero/cis normativitiea have shaped and produced perspectives of the so-called natural world. This ongoing project highlights and investigates the history of trans bodies and trans cultures as they interrupt set ideas about biological essentialism, and can re-shape the way that ecologies and “the natural order” are perceived and perpetuated. .
CKUT Campus & Community Radio - You Got Ears
Experimental Music & Sound Art Residency
As part of this residency I hosted a weekly show where I performed with fellow musicians and sound artists, played recordings of my own work and of other artists. I played field recordings I ad made, as well as discussing sound as it relates to issues like memory. belonging, the natural world, and creating space for experimentation.
Biophilium Artist Research Residency - Biopohony
Artist in Residence and Expedition Leader
In 2017 and 2018 I participated in the Biophony program, a research residency for artists interested in the acoustics of ecology and the sounds of wildlife. The residency involved twice daily excursions to focus on bioacoustics for collection of samples, introduction to equipment, and research related to the biophony being conducted by a range of experts.